- Summer -
Ya’at’eeh! Welcome to the summer edition of - For Our Relatives - . We have taken time to reflect on the past seasons and we are currently in deep thought about queer love. All our connections and relations are inspired through love - whether that love is platonic or otherwise, these relations are incredibly valuable and full of teachings. Love is valued and needed, in all forms.
Our queerness informs how we love. It is shown through chosen families, partners and community. We have curated a selection of photographs that explore queer love in our own lives. These images are of our relatives, for our relatives - those future and present. Our love will continue to be documented in many ways to share with our future relations.
As always, reach out to us via email (miarw96@gmail.com + tyblkwater@gmail.com) if you would like to be included in this column! We would love to hear your thoughts surrounding queer love and any art you have related to this topic. <3
River Whittle
instagram: @natanehriver
L Frank (Tongva, Ajachmem, Rarámuri)
Virginia Herrera Zamora (Ecuadorian)
Tyra Blackwater (Diné)
Kawena Hirayama (Native Hawaiian)
Rachel Lam (Anigiduwagi enrolled Cherokee Nation, Malaysian, and white)
Mahalia Hunt (Sug’piaq and Kassaq)