A dream come true for a sister born in springtime. It is a collision of love for hiphop, the land, spoken word, and humanity.
Manifested into an album. A symphony of vivid lyricism, sick beats, soundscapes, witty rhyme schemes, sassy poetics and guest artists take listeners on a journey home. Back to our original selves. Rooted in strength of land, personal introspection, and community.
Content includes: Strengthening of Self Land Based Healing. Overcoming Inner Beasts. Interrelationality. Ecological Wisdom. Environmental Violence. Responsibility to Future Generations. Emotional Authenticity. Sustainable Resistance. Freedom and Forgiveness.
Support the production of the BlueBird album HERE
Listen to BlueBird Demo for FREE!:
Demo CDs can also be purchased directly -
All proceeds will go to this cooperative labor of love:
Production and Mastering : Mxtli, a local community organizer, youth worker, screen printer, musician, and producer has provided all his services in the creation of BlueBird for free. Money raised will go toward purchasing mastering equipment for him and the community of artists he serves. It will be a heartfelt donation and thank you for his contribution to the creation of BlueBird.
Album Artwork : Kirbieleya ILASH Platero, a community organizer, versatile artist, single-parent mother and warrior is creating a vibrant visual journey for this project.
CD Production : this album is dedicated first to the youth. The first 30 albums released will be donated students at the Native American Community Academy in Albuquerque, NM.
Cinematography & Editing : Treeman, a land-based cinematographer donates his services freely. Proceeds support his artistry invested into this album.
Merchandise : Scarves will be screen printed with the BlueBird name and symbol for relatives to rock everywhere, carrying with them the symbol of hope BlueBird represents.
Springtime Release Feast : this album will be released on the artist BlueBird's birthday, April 2nd, 2018. Funds will assist with food, space rental and a fiscal thank you to co-organizer of this event, DJ Miss Ginger.
By funding this project, you are supporting members of communities rooted in the Indigenous Southwest.
“If you’re going to name the problem in your artistry, if you’re going to name the enemy, if you’re going to talk about things that are upsetting (i.e. colonization, injustice, etc.), you have to do it in a way that fosters healing. You never want to want to traumatize someone, re-traumatize someone or whip a wound off, and then walk away because then it’s about you, rather than for the long term vision of restoration.”
Your can show your love and support for BlueBird here:
Funding Deadline: January 31st, 2018